About us

– I am giving my life to the garment industry, I can’t let my daughter do the same, says Barsha Islam, 25, who works for a supplier of H&M. It is a big sacrifice and I am suffering, I want something better for her. Photo: Jonas Gratzer
We make a difference!
Fair Action is a non-profit organization pushing Swedish companies to take responsibility for their impact on people and the environment. We examine how consumer goods and services are produced and pressure companies to improve working conditions and pay living wages. Our goal is a sustainable world where human rights are respected.
Collaborating for change
We work closely with other human rights organizations and trade unions, both in low-income countries and in Europe. We are part of Fair Finance Guide Sweden as well as the only Swedish member of Clean Clothes Campaign. Furthermore, we are one of the member organizations of Swedwatch.
Steps in the right direction
During the past few years our campaigning has contributed to a number of positive changes, including….
- The shoe company Nilson committing to ensure workers at its suppliers are payed a living wage.
- H&M, Kappahl, Lindex, Gina Tricot, Nilson and Eurosko publicly disclosing lists of their supplier factories.
- Several Swedish garment companies signing the The Bangladesh Accord on Fire & Building Safety, a legally binding agreement to improve safety in the Bangladeshi textile industry.
Contact and information
For more information please contact us at:
Phone: +46 (0)8 – 643 43 64 or info@fairaction.se
Report archive
Full circle, half speed: The slow shift to circular business models in the fashion industry (2024)
Blouses and bruises – How Swedish fashion brands are overlooking the risks for gender-based violence at garment factories (2023)
Living wage – from dream to reality (2015)
In the same footsteps – A review of the sustainabilty efforts of four shoe store chains (2014)
Pushing the planet to retirement – The Swedish National Pension Funds and biodiversity loss (2014)
Tailored Wages – Are the big brands paying the people who make our clothes enough to live on? (2014)
Sustainable purchasing practises – Summary (2013)
No child’s play – Respect for children’s rights at tourist destinations (2013)
Still fashion victims – Monitoring a ban on sandblasted denim (2012)
Fashion victims – a report on sandblasted denim (2010)
Strategies for strengthening human rights in the Chinese workplace (2010)
Report on canned Tuna (2007)
Most recent reports in English
Full circle, half speed: The slow shift to circular business models in the fashion industry (2024)
Put your money where your mouth is – Swedish banks and living wages in the garment sector (2022)
Time to deliver – a report on transparency among Swedish online fashion brands (June 2021)
Use your influence – Lack of transparency among Swedish influencer fashion brands (2020)
Stuck in the starting blocks – Swedish sporting retailers on transparency (2020)
Coming out of the closet – Swedish garnent brands on the move towards transparency (2019)
Broke in Bangladesh – Nordic banks and living wages (2019)
Left behind – Garment brands turn their back on women in the Bangladeshi garment industry (2018)
The Power of the Voice – Social dialogue in Bangladesh (2018)
No excuses for homework – Working conditions in Indonesia’s leather and footwear sector (2017)
Invisible workers – Syrian refugees in the Turkish garment industry (2017)
Trampling workers rights underfoot – Human Rights Due Diligence performance of 23 footwear companies (2016)
No holidays for the Burmese – Working conditions for Burmese migrants at hotels in Thailand (2015)
Shattered dreams – Migrant workers in the Dubai tourism sector (2015)
A short-term solution – Fixed-duration contracts in the Cambodian garment industry (2015)
Travelife’s broken promises to hotel workers (2015)